Petroleum Development and Retail Commercial

PETROLEUM DEVELOPMENT AND RETAIL COMMERCIAL LOCATION: Various Locations Across Canada PROJECT DATES: Ongoing J + B Engineering Inc. specializes in the design of retail petroleum facilities including gas bars, truck stops and travel centers, card lock facilities, car washes, convenience stores, third party food offerings and private fuelling facilities. J+B provides services through all project…

Ashbridges Bay Waste Water Treatment Plant

ASHBRIDGES BAY WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT J+B completed the redesign of the heating system at Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant. The project involved the conversion of plant process and space heating systems from steam to hot water. The heating system was designed to consist of 4 – 40 million BTU per hour output, dual gas fired…

Imperial Oil Building Facilities Management for Canadian Office Buildings

IMPERIAL OIL BUILDING FACILITIES MANAGEMENT FOR CANADIAN OFFICE BUILDINGS PROJECT DATES: 2006-2014 Eight year contract started in 2006, to provide ongoing Building Facilities Management for Canadian office buildings including engineering projects of all sizes as required. J+B provided design, tendering, construction and post-construction support services that included factory and site acceptance testing and commissioning. Corporate…

United Farmers of Alberta (UFA) Co-operative Ltd.

UNITED FARMERS OF ALBERTA (UFA) COOPERATIVE LTD. LOCATION: Various  PROJECT DATES: 2006-2015 J+B have provided engineering and project management services to UFA on many projects in Western Canada. As the Engineer of Record (complete facility design, project management and construction support services) for new multipurpose developments (wholesale petroleum, bulk distribution terminals, retail petroleum, and Farming…

Suncor – Additional Offloading Apron at Clairmont Bulk Plant

SUNCOR – ADDITIONAL OFFLOADING APRON AT CLAIRMONT BULK PLANT PROJECT DATES: 2014 In 2012 J+B completed the design of a state of the art Bulk Fuel Plant for Suncor in Clairmont Alberta. In 2014 Suncor invited us back to design the planned expansion of an addition offloading apron at the facility. Clairmont is a busy…

Ivanhoe Cambridge Landlord Upgrades

IVANHOE CAMBRIDGE LANDLORD UPGRADES J+B was contracted by Ivanhoe Cambridge to complete multiple upgrades to retail units in their Crossiron Mills (Calgary) and South Gate Centre Mall (Edmonton) properties. The projects involved resizing the units to suite new tenets. J+B were responsible for the M.E.P. (Mechanical HVAC, Electrical and Plumbing) and structural design for the…

Building Assessments – City of Edmonton

BUILDING ASSESSMENTS – CITY OF EDMONTON LOCATION: Edmonton, Alberta PROJECT DATES: Dec 2010 – Apr 2011 J+B was assigned by The City of Edmonton to survey the condition of 52 of their city facilities and prepare reports concerning their current condition, recommended maintenance requirements and timing, recommended capital investments and timing and recommended overall facility…

LNG (Liquid Natural Gas) Fuelling Station

LNG (LIQUID NATURAL GAS) FUELLING STATION – ENN CANADA PROJECT DATES: Completed 2016 J+B has provided complete (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical & Structural) engineering design and project management services to a permanent LNG fuelling station in Chilliwack B.C., as well as two temporary fuelling stations in Merit and Kamloops B.C. for ENN Canada. J+B was responsible…

Public Works and Government Service Canada

PUBLIC WORKS AND GOVERNMENT SERVICE CANADA LOCATION: Kingston, Ontario PROJECT DATES: 2012 This project was completed in 2012 and included complete replacements of the entire Air Handling Units (HVAC) Control Systems at Frontanac Institution Buildings in Kingston, Ontario. The scope of work included complete replacement of the existing pneumatic air handling control systems with new…