Edmonton, Alberta


Dec 2010 – Apr 2011

J+B was assigned by The City of Edmonton to survey the condition of 52 of their city facilities and prepare reports concerning their current condition, recommended maintenance requirements and timing, recommended capital investments and timing and recommended overall facility budgets.

Each facility was assessed in terms of its component building systems (building envelop, mechanical, electrical, life safety, and code compliance); conditions were reported in detail on a 5 point scale, and expected expenditures (capital and maintenance) were estimated together with recommended timing. An assessment of overall building energy efficiency was provided with recommendations for improvements.

J+B provided building condition assessments and budget recommendations for recommended improvements. Some of building condition assessment sites included: fire station, police station, public service areas, storage facilities, equipment depots, garages, community centres, arenas and transit facilities. Reports were prepared as summary documents for a Uniformat assessment of the facility components. Conditions were reported and were coupled with maintenance recommendations, timing suggestions and cost estimates for the repairs. J+B’s work won high praise from The City of Edmonton staff for its quality and for our maintenance of the project schedule.

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(416) 229-2636

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