Toronto, Ontario


2015-2018, 2012-2014, 2009-2011 & 2006-2008

J+B is currently engaged by the City of Toronto to provide electrical project design and contract administration services for a 3 year period, having completed three previous similar 3 year contracts. The work requires expertise with all voltage levels, electrical and control systems, project management and contract administration. Typical electrical projects include plant lighting system, fire and security systems, PA and telephone system, power distribution and control systems upgrades in various plant locations. In all these projects electrical studies were performed to ensure optimum design and safe operation of the system. The electrical studies included power flow (load), short circuit, coordination, arc flash hazard, power factor improvements and photometrics. J+B provided tendering services and construction and post construction support that included factory and site acceptance testing and commissioning. Under this assignment J+B was also engaged in architectural and structural building renovations, HVAC systems, aeration tank sludge process upgrades and peer review of Pre-Start Health and Safety reports.


J+B has been awarded the following assignments:

AB (Ashbridges Bay) TP East Control Building Renovations
The scope included renovation of the East Control Building, installation of two new 1600A, 600VAC MCCs, upgrades to 4000A, 600VAC switchgear, installation of power correction equipment, installation of new WAS pumps complete with new VFDs, lighting, emergency lighting and lightning protection.

AB(Ashbridges Bay) TP East Incinerator Substation Upgrades
The scope included Demolition of East Incinerator Substation equipment, alteration of Hydro South Substation switchgear, alteration of West Incinerator Substation switchgear, replacement of one Silo Building Motor Control Centre (MCC), alteration of two Silo Building MCCs, alterations of one Buildings and Ground Storage Facility MCC, alteration of two Heat Recovery Buildings MCCs, alteration of four Incinerator Building MCCs, alteration of two (2) Chlorination Building MCCs, renovation of Silo Building Control and Mechanical rooms, upgrades of Silo Building heating and ventilation system.

AB(Ashbridges Bay) TP West Control Building Renovations
The scope included renovation of the West Control Building, Installation of new West Control VFD Building, installation of five new 600VAC MCCs, upgrades to 4000A, 600VAC switchgear, installation of new VFDs for WAS and RAS pumps, lighting, emergency lighting and lightning protection.

AB(Ashbridges Bay) TP Blower Building Electrical Upgrades
The scope included replacement of two 600V MCCs, four 4160V MCCs, installation of new soft starters for 1200 HP and 3000HP blowers, installation of power factor correction capacitors, installation of new transformers and power distribution panels, upgrades to building lighting system, replacement of building sanitary pumps and basement exhaust fan.


  • Slab design
  • Platform and stairs access design
  • HVAC
  • Principal Engineering Design
  • Coordination of project design work.
  • Single point of contact for client.
  • Financial and schedule coordination
  • Trouble shooting

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All rights reserved.

Toronto Office

25 Centurian Drive, Suite 201
Markham, Ontario, L3R 5N8
(416) 229-2636

Calgary Office

638 11th Avenue SW, Suite 200
Calgary, Alberta, T2R 0E2
(403) 355-2295