Innisfil, Ontario


April 2017 – November 2017

Friday Harbour is a four season condominium resort described by the developers as “A destination marina surrounded by an eventful marina side village. A 200 acre nature preserve framing a Doug Carrick designed golf course. Modern, imaginative homes at the lake — just an hour from Toronto.”

The condominiums range from $359,000.00 to in excess of $3,000,000.00. One of the primary hubs of the resort is the Marina itself referred to as the Harbour Master building.

J+B Engineering was contacted by the coordinating Site Architect, and after several meetings we were commissioned to provide the engineering drawings for the petroleum installation. The installation has a two stage approach. The first stage being the installation of 8 gasoline and 2 diesel dispensing points situated around a pier. The product itself is contained within a remote three compartment above ground storage tank. The harbor master building is situated in the middle of the pier for optimum viewing of all product dispensing.

The second stage of this contract is to provide larger underground product capacity. This phase will likely take place in a few years as the Marina continues to develop.

J+B Engineering provided complete mechanical and electrical engineering drawings for the phase one petroleum installation. Services included recommendation and selection of the required equipment, coordination of site lighting, conduit, and hazardous area classifications. J+B Engineering also applied for and received all Government approvals for the petroleum installation.

Upon completion of the engineering package and obtaining the necessary approvals J+B Engineering added in the tender process, providing tender documentation, lists of qualified contractors, as well as review of the submitted bids and recommendation of the winning Contractor.

Under a separate Contract with the actual developer of the resort J+B Engineering provided Contract and Construction support from project specific CCDC 2 modification to the end of the Construction phase as well as Government sign off approvals.


  • Design of a three compartment above ground double wall tank and associated product pumping, distribution piping, offloading, and venting to meet Provincial regulations.
  • Piping designs for the transition from aboveground to buried double wall piping meeting Provincial regulation
  • Designs for the underground double petroleum piping and sumps to the Pier product dispensing locations.
  • Incorporation of additional safety features specific to a Marina operation.
  • Apply and receive Provincial safety approvals for the installation.
  • Provide complete calculations and select applicable oil/grit interceptor for the tank area.
  • Relay this information and installation details to the prime civil consultant for the entire development.
  • Access existing soil conditions and provide reinforced concrete slab design for the above ground petroleum tank and associated access stairway
  • Provide complete hazardous area drawings to aid in location of yard lighting and shore connections.
  • Provide complete electrical loading requirements to the prime electrical consultant for incorporation into total site loading. This included selection of petroleum specific secondary transformers.
  • Select all petroleum related control equipment, and provide installation drawings and schematics. These drawings included product inventory monitoring as well as emergency shutdown.
  • Provide conduit run drawings and electrical panel layouts for the petroleum based equipment.
  • Co-ordinate petroleum electrical equipment locations within the Harbour Masters electrical room.
  • Provide complete petroleum equipment manufacturer suggestions.
  • Provide cut sheets for all petroleum related equipment.
  • Attend meetings to go over the equipment and design requirements as it directly relates to a Marina environment. Obtain client approval of all necessary equipment.
  • Contact suppliers and obtain pricing for the client approved equipment.
  • Provide written specifications for Civil, Structural, Petroleum, and Electrical components of the project for inclusion into the tender package.
  • Review all client provided tender documents, as they related to the petroleum installation.
  • Provide complete Civil, Structural, Petroleum, and Electrical drawings for inclusion in the tender package.
  • Provide listings of recommended Contractors with the correct qualification’s to handle the project scope of work.
  • Review returned tender bids for scope compliance, as well as pricing. Recommend the acceptance of the winner contractor.
  • Provide highly customized, project tailored CCDC2 documents, for review and approval of the client. Obtain all required signatures from the contractor and the client. Distribute as necessary.
  • Arrange and attend preconstruction start up meetings.
  • Attend all client requested clarification meetings.
  • Provide ongoing project support for the Client and the General contractor.

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25 Centurian Drive, Suite 201
Markham, Ontario, L3R 5N8
(416) 229-2636

Calgary Office

638 11th Avenue SW, Suite 200
Calgary, Alberta, T2R 0E2
(403) 355-2295